Current PDA Courses

These courses are created with the expectation that you have easy access to a computer.  If that is not the case, some accommodations can be made where it is legal to do so.  


Course #171702-10      4.0 PDA points  $52.    Heart Disease is the number one cause of death in industrialized countries, but with a simple nutritional therapy, it is actually easier to cure than low-back pain.  Why are conventional cardiologists unaware of this ?  Part of the answer is that they have given the disease the wrong name.     This is the first of two distance-learning courses on heart disease.   This is the shorter course.

Why Common Heart Disease Should be Named “Chronic Scurvy”


Course # 171702-1     6.5 PDA points  $85.        This is the longer course on treating heart disease nutritionally.   This is intended for those who expect to be treating several such patients and need to know as much as they can about this kind of heart disease treatment.  There is some overlap between the two courses, and you would be wasting some of your PDA expense money if you took both courses.

A Nutritional Therapy For Heart Disease


Course # 171702-4    5.5 PDA points   $72.      The modern history of osteoporosis treatment is a story of the total frustration with trying to cram calcium into bones that seemingly don’t want to accept it.  There is a reason why, and the surprising answer comes from an obscure French biologist.

A Nutritional Therapy For Reversing Osteoporosis


Course # 171702-3     4.5 PDA points    $59.    You probably thought that HIV/AIDS was a very deadly infection.  You were right that millions of HIV/AIDS patients have died.  You were wrong that it is a deadly infection.  Learn what you can do for an AIDS patient for under $2 per day.

A 2-step Nutritional Therapy For HIV/AIDS


Course # 171702-6     3 PDA points    $39.      Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) is officially a deadly mystery disease with no known cause and no known cure.  It affects 1% of all hospital admissions in the United States.   Once you understand what causes the disease, it’s not only fairly easy to cure, but also incredibly easy to prevent.    You should not take this course unless you have taken Course # 171702-1  or Course # 171702-1 0  first.

A Proposed Mechanism For Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation


Course # 171702-8   4 PDA points   $52.    In the first part of the 20th century iodine was viewed as the universal medicine and doctors across the globe were prescribing daily doses of 50 to 100 mg without encountering overdose problems.  Today the RDA is 150 mcg, which is about 1/600th of that and just about everyone is iodine deficient.  This course will tell you what went wrong, why, and what to do about it.
